Directed by Amber Beaton Choreographed by Lindsey Blaufarb Makeup by Michele Perry NZ Choreographer Atareta Bridge-Comer Twin Dancers Tayla Hunt & Tennessee-Anne Freeman Makeup assistant Mia Cutetilli Produced & Styled by Chantal Claret On Set Production Help Lisa Wolf, Taos Myers Chantal’s Jewelry by Forge Fashion Jimmy’s head piece by Gino Acevedo & Forge Fashion Costumes from Costume Cave Thank you to Ike Harmon, Alex at Screen Wellington and Liesl Eksteen and Charis O’Connor at Te Ahuea for all your help. Shot in Wellington, New Zealand. ‘Fuck Everything’ off of EURINGER written by Chantal Claret Euringer & James Euringer available on Metropolis Records. BUY: https://mindlessselfindulgence.bandca... People have asked how they can contribute and if you feel like you want to add to our baby fund here’s the link: Love, The Euringers


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