Halestorm + Code Orange + Baroness Cover Pantera’s “Mouth for War” Official Video

Gina and Reba wanted to cover Pantera so we covered the crap out of Pantera! All of the artists involved with this video will be donating their payment to Dallas Hope Charities Transitional Living Center: https://www.dallashopecharities.org/p... This is our 36th bedroom cover made with the support of Patreon. With so many musicians stuck at home with no outlets, we're going to keep producing these style videos and use the Patreon to give some money to everyone who has a part in them. Please support our friends by donating to our newly redone Patreon at http://www.twominutestolatenight.com This cover features: Lzzy Hale: Halestorm https://www.halestormrocks.com/ Reba Meyers: Code Orange https://www.codeorangetoth.com/ Gina Gleason: Baroness https://baroness.bandcamp.com/ Madi Watkins: Year of the Knife https://xyotkx.bandcamp.com/ (the new album is in our top 10 for 2020) https://candycorpse.com/ (Madi's awesome clothing company!) Ben Koller: Mutoid Man, Converge, All Pigs Must Die, Killer Be Killed https://mutoidman.bandcamp.com/ https://convergecult.bandcamp.com/​ https://apmdsl.bandcamp.com/​ https://www.killerbekilled.com/ Jordan Olds aka Gwarsenio Hall https://www.instagram.com/doctormayor/ Edited by Drew Kaufman https://www.instagram.com/diet_hellboy/​ Mixed by Bryan Batiste https://www.bryanbatiste.com/​ Cover Composed by Jordan Olds Non-Macho Man greenscreen footage provided by Code Orange


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