Ok Silenzio, the new album of MAX DESTE

Il videoclip "Disconnessa” è fuori ora! . L'album "Ok silenzio" è pubblicato dal 3 dicembre! Qui potete ascoltare brevi clic, scaricare i singoli o l'intero album in digitale: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/maxdeste4 Per ordinare il cd "fisico": http://www.maxdestefanis.ch/431238860... Musiche e testi: Max Deste, 2018 Regia audiovideo: Dyno Produzione audio: HRS Live band Max Deste (voce, chitarra) Fabrizio Brioschi (chitarra) Roberto Panzeri (batteria) Ringraziamenti: Steve Lanzetti Barbara Odorico Lyrics: Rumori nella notte sguardi perduti in cielo che lampeggiano su di noi ombre lontano un lampione che non funzionerà mai più Mi vedo perso sopra questa strada non so da dove vengo dove andrò a finire mai… se tu credi che niente si distrugge tutto si trasforma ogni volta che sei disconnessa il mondo si cancella Lo vedi l’orizzonte dove si squarcia e quel fiume che non si arresta un fremito mi accoglie sono pronto stanchi passi nella notte affondano Mi vedo perso sopra questa strada non so da dove vengo dove andrò a finire mai… se tu credi che niente si distrugge tutto si trasforma ogni volta che sei disconnessa il mondo si cancella

"Ok Silenzio", the new album of Max Deste

The last work of Max Deste, inspired by the practice of meditation, is dedicated to Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, one of the most famous Tibetan lamas, who escaped adventurously from his native land during the Chinese occupation in 1959, who adapted the precious teachings of his culture to the West, giving birth to the Shambhala lineage, of which Max Deste is a member, as well as director of a very active center in Italian Switzerland.

In this concept album on the condition of anthropological crisis of contemporary man, in which ten moments of his daily life are crystallized, Max examines reality for how it presents itself to a mind that for a few moments is awake, that is to say fully present and conscious, not distracted by negative thoughts, memories and feelings. In these states of "illumination", even if discontinuous and of very short duration, the practitioner intuits the impermanent, illusory and cyclical nature of life, experiencing the emergence of a state of primordial, unconditional and lasting joy.

The meditative approach of "touching and letting go" allows deeper analysis of both interpersonal relationships ranging from romantic leaps to curly closures, and the person's most intimate sphere, characterized by emotions that often poison us, not allowing us to live in a serene way. In this personal manifesto for the new millennium, whose title "Ok silence" is configured as a sort of mantra / password to access a state of well-being (understood as absence of suffering), the artist then denounces the logic of compulsive consumerism and constant virtual entertainment, powered by increasingly powerful and intrusive algorithms.

In fact, every day we not only run absorbed by our increasingly pressing responsibilities, but we also see ourselves submerged by millions of inputs to which we can no longer answer except in a superficial, cerebral, neurotic way. The frenzy and the distractions tend to trap us in a labyrinth from which the only way to get out and find a more human dimension is to slow down and cultivate your heart again.

Max Deste proposes, in the succession of songs, two possible scenarios to avoid becoming slaves of materialism and distractions that make us illiterate emotional: the first is to try to stop, listen to your body and meditate, establishing a bond of friendship with yourself themselves, appreciating for what we are. The second is to love the neighbor without reserve, coming out of his cocoon that cushions our perceptions creating mental short circuits.

Finally, on the musical level, “Ok Silenzio” proposes electropop contaminated by dance, folk, rock, funk and gipsy music, an album with a constant dialogue between brilliant guitars and analog synthesizers.

"If we lived the daily life with less distraction and more mental presence in the things we do, and more awareness of everything that revolves around us, our existence would certainly be fuller, more serene and loving", according to Max Deste.

Ok silenzio:
Release date: 3 December 2018
Genre: electropop, dance, folk, rock,

Spotify link:

Track list:
01 La ruota del tempo
02 Leggero
03 L’ombra della rete
04 Ok silenzio
05 Dove finisce il giorno
06 Sotto il letto
07 Nato in tibet
08 Disconnessa
09 Ancora estate
10 Danzare tra le nuvole

Line up live:
Max Deste (voice, guitar/bass guitar)
Roberto Panzeri (drums)
Fabrizio Brioschi (guitar)


Texts, music and voice: Max Deste

Arrangements: Roberto Colombo and Riccardo Di Filippo

Guitars, bass and choirs: Riccardo di Filippo

Drums: Cristian Daniel

Keyboards and programming: Roberto Colombo

Mix and master: Roberto Colombo @ Heaven Recording Studio

Cover photo: www.fotolocatelli.ch



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