Hey Ruin - Poly

POLY is taken from Hey Ruin's 2nd full length album "Poly", to be released 24.11.17 PREORDER HERE: bit.ly/HeyRuin_Poly_col_LP (white and white/blue wax) bit.ly/HeyRuin_Poly_CD (digipack) thischarmingmanrecords.com facebook.com/heyruin heyruin@mail.de CREDITS Produktion: Flimmern DC www.flimmern-dc.com Regie, Schnitt, Postproduktion: Moritz Esser Regieassistenz: Frank Bale, Tilman Waldvogel Kamera: Frank Bale Darsteller: Anna, Karo, Lukas Aerials: Thomas Wimmer Hey Ruin's second longplayer „Poly“ is a record you expect from a mature band and one could claim that „Poly“ is the finest of their artistic accomplishments. Recorded during 5 months – on and off in the studio at the Tonmeisterei in Oldenburg and at the Gottestweg Studio A in Cologne, Hey Ruin have created 9 songs, moving away from half-baked emo-punk towards thoughtful Indiepop but still attracted to punk. Although there are „poppy“ and noisy passages as well, the record as a whole seems mellow and consistend, more homogetic you can say. Since Hey Ruin got a fifth member, they dare to expand their musical horizons by using the piano and use horns go to Thischarmingmanrecords.com to get further information - yeehaaah


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