Ross The Boss Band Interview- New Album Born of Fire, Manowar Hail To England

Jimmy Kay from Canada's The Metal Voice spoke to the Ross The Boss Band, including, guitarist Ross Friedman, singer Marc Lopes and Bassist Mike Lepond when they played Foufounes Electriques in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on January 27 2020. The band went into detail about the musical  direction of the new album and lyrical themes, as well Ross the Boss spoke about the first 6 classic Manowar album that he played and wrote on as well as the making of the classic Manowar album 'Hail to England' which the band is showcasing on this North American tour. Plus how Ross Friedman produced the demo that got Anthrax signed on Megaforce Records with Jon Zazula Like "The Metal Voice" on Facebook Follow "The Metal Voice" on Twitter Subscribe to "The Metal Voice" on Youtube Follow "The Metal Voice" on Instagram The Metal Voice Website


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